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get ahead 99% of creatives with this 1 thing

The truth is that most creatives are stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, comparing themselves to others and fearing to fail. But to be in the top 1%, you must unlearn these habits. If you want to stand out in the creative world, you must ditch the insecurity that is holding you back.

insecurity is learned, so unlearn it

Insecurity isn't something you're born with. It's learned. It comes from years of comparing yourself to others, listening to negative feedback, and internalizing self-doubt. You’ve been told (and believed) that you’re not good enough and need to be more like “them.” Just stories. Not truths. And just like you learned them to be “truth”, you can unlearn them too. Start by recognizing that these beliefs don’t serve you. Let them go.

rewire your mindset

You must rewire how you think about yourself and your work. That voice in your head telling you, “I’m not good enough,” or “I have to be perfect” — challenge it. Ask yourself: Who says? Why do you believe that?

Replace those thoughts with ones that serve you: “I’m improving every day,” “I’m learning,” “I have something unique to offer.” Every small step forward is a win. Every attempt is growth. This is how you build creative confidence—by acting and proving you’re capable to yourself.

building evidence

Confidence doesn’t come from sitting around and waiting for it to happen. It comes from action. Start small. Share your work, even when it feels uncomfortable. Seek feedback, not for validation, but for growth.

Each time you put yourself out there, you build evidence that you’re capable. The more you do it, the less intimidating it becomes. Most people aren’t watching you as closely as you think they are. They’re too busy with their own fears. So stop worrying about what others think and start focusing on what you can control.

adopt a growth mindset

Growth is the goal. The top 1% see every challenge, every setback, every piece of criticism as an opportunity to get better. They know that success isn’t about being the best—it’s about getting better, endlessly.

Learn to love the process, not just the result.

find your tribe

Being creative can be a lonely path, but it doesn’t have to be. Surround yourself with a community that gets it—people who understand the journey can offer support and encouragement and can challenge you to improve. That’s why I created Endless-ID. The right community can push you to new heights and help you see possibilities you never considered. Find your tribe and grow together.

own your unique path

Your voice, experiences, and perspective are your greatest assets. Use them. Lean into what makes you unique. Own it. That’s how you get ahead.

Enjoy your weekend,
