my only step for creative confidence

We all have dreams, but reaching new goals often requires more than hard work. It needs a change in how we see ourselves—a fresh mental and spiritual mindset. By spiritual, I do not mean religion. Although both can provide comfort and reflection, spirituality leans more toward an inner journey, while religion often focuses on external experiences (going to church, reading its words daily, etc.).

But how can we achieve a mindset that propels us forward?

Your self-image sets the limits of what you can achieve. If you see yourself in a negative light, it’s hard to recognize opportunities and move forward. A positive self-image can open up possibilities you never thought possible.

Changing your self-image is an ongoing process because growth will always be your goal.

Here are some easy steps to help you:

  1. Reflect: Your confidence will come from your experiences, not just from reading self-development books. Reflect on your past events and successes and pinpoint your mistakes so you can learn from them. Each thought attached to each experience shapes who you are.

  2. Define: Define: We have goals, even if we don’t always say them out loud. They can also be very unconscious, leading to living a life you don’t want. Make sure your goals are conscious and match your self-image. If not, start with small, achievable things to boost your confidence, then aim for bigger heights.

  3. Imagine: Your imagination is a powerful tool. Visualize your success. Imagine yourself achieving your goals and living the life you want. This mental practice can help you naturally move towards experiencing more and more creative confidence.

Your self-image affects your self-esteem, which then influences your confidence. Here’s a simple way to remember it:

Self-Image → Self-Esteem → Self-Confidence

A positive self-image leads to higher self-esteem and greater confidence, making you feel ready to face challenges and reach your goals. On the other hand, a poor self-image can hold you back, creating a cycle of low self-esteem and self-doubt. Well, just for the fact of being a creative person, you know damn well what it looks like.

That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So to get to authenticity, you really keep going down to the bone, to the honesty, and the inevitability of something. - Meredith Monk

Improving your self-image doesn’t require big changes overnight. Even small, consistent efforts can make a big difference in how you see yourself, others and the opportunities around you. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and keep moving forward.

To help you work on your self-image, I’ve created a FREE Notion Worksheet to guide your Creative Vision of your life. You can use it as a base to incorporate everything we’ve covered today. Each step brings you closer to the life you want.

When you gain clarity, you are one step closer to your success. Be courageous enough to mute the outside noise to listen to what you have been trying to tell yourself all along.

If you change yourself, you change your future.

Enjoy your weekend,
